Heraklion, the largest city on the island of Crete, offers more than just the famous Knossos palace. With beautiful beaches and marinas, it’s a great place to visit. If you’re wondering about the cannabis scene in Heraklion, it can be a bit tricky for tourists to find, but it’s certainly not impossible. Keep reading to learn more about obtaining weed in Heraklion.
Weed laws in Heraklion, Greece
Heraklion takes a conservative stance on drug use, and its drug laws are strict. While possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use might seem relatively lenient—typically resulting in just a fine—the situation is more complicated. If caught, you’ll be required to appear in court, and in some cases, you may face a brief stint in a Greek jail while awaiting your court date. Although you might only be fined for having a small amount, the risk of temporary imprisonment during the legal process is a possibility.
Spending even a short time in a Greek jail can ruin your vacation, so it’s best to stay clear of any trouble with the authorities. When smoking, exercise caution and keep a low profile, particularly in crowded areas, to reduce the risk of legal issues.
Getting (Marijuana) weed in Heraklion
Finding marijuana in Heraklion can be challenging for tourists due to the city’s strict drug laws. Unlike other towns, dealers are not as openly present on the streets. Locals who need marijuana typically reach out to specific contacts. To score some weed in Heraklion, your best bet is to connect with local Greeks, especially younger ones, who can help you out. Articles can be found on weed in Budapest and weed in Gyor.
Always look out for cops or any security officer when getting (cannabis) weed in Heraklion