Getting weed in Bali, Indonesia, is often considered a paradise, offering a perfect blend of beauty and adventure for tourists. While it has plenty to offer, the cannabis situation here is a bit different from places like Thailand or Cambodia. Marijuana is illegal in Bali, and while it’s hard to find, it’s not entirely impossible. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know to get cannabis/weed in Bali.
Cannabis Laws in Indonesia
Indonesia has strict drug laws, including those concerning cannabis. In theory, possessing any amount of marijuana can lead to jail time, but in practice, you may find yourself asked for a bribe instead. Authorities might demand a large sum and take you to an ATM to withdraw the money. Refusing to comply could result in severe consequences, including detention in an Indonesian prison.
Police and prisons in Indonesia are known for their corruption, so it’s best to avoid getting entangled with them. While many people may manage to avoid legal trouble by paying a bribe, the experience is still highly unpleasant.
Where to Get Cannabis in Bali
You can also explore the island, especially the bustling areas like Kudo, famous for its lively nightlife. While there, you may come across someone offering to sell marijuana. Just be sure to stay cautious and thoroughly check the marijuana before buying to avoid being taken advantage of.
Cannabis Prices
Tourists often face inflated prices, with 10 grams of marijuana typically costing between $40 and $50. While the quality may not be top-tier due to outdoor cultivation, it still gets the job done. Finding small amounts, like just one or two grams, is usually difficult since sellers tend to offer larger quantities.
In Bali, cannabis is fairly accessible if you know where to look. However, it’s important to stay cautious. Avoid drawing attention from law enforcement, as encounters can sometimes be tense and unfriendly. Always use good judgment and keep a low profile when consuming marijuana, steering clear of public spaces. Get in touch with information on how to get weed in Jakarta and weed in Singapore.
Marijuana in Bali. Get cannabis in Bali. Get weed in Bali.
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